IFCO Seedlings Personnel Updates

  • White City Nursery:
    • Warren Bryant, White City Nursery Manager, will be retiring on October 27th.  Warren has worked in the forest nursery operations for over forty years. Warren, thank you for your valuable service!
    • William Ireland was promoted to Nursery Manager in August.  William was formerly a Nursery Technician at the White City Nursery for several years.  William will report to Ken McQuage, IFCO Bareroot Nursery Operations Manager.
    • Zack Clark, formerly a Nursery Technician at the White City Nursery, was promoted to the Nursery Supervisor position in August.  In his new role, Zack will report to William Ireland, White City Nursery Manager.
  • Jesup Nursery:
    • Gretchen Dubs has been promoted from Nursery Supervisor to Interim Nursery Manager.  In her new role, Gretchen will report to Ken McQuage, IFCO Bareroot Nursery Operations Manager. Mike Prime is currently on a leave of absence but remains in his role as the Jesup Nursery Manager. 
    • Carson Chittum has accepted the position of Jesup Nursery Supervisor and will start work on September 21st.  Carson has a degree in Turf Management from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and has several years of agricultural and turf management experience.  Carson will report to Gretchen Dubs, Jesup Nursery Interim Nursery Manager.
  • Pine Hill Nursery:
    • DeWayne Hargreaves has been promoted from IFCO Nursery Manager to IFCO Senior Nursery Manager in August.  In his new role, DeWayne will continue to manage the IFCO Pine Hill Nursery but will also assist Ken McQuage, IFCO Bareroot Nursery Operations Manager, with the management of all IFCO Bareroot Nurseries, as needed.
  • IFG&S Research and Development
    • Aaron Prewitt began work in September as a Tree Improvement Technician, reporting to Dr. Graham Ford, IFG&S Tree Improvement and Research Manager.  Aaron has a degree from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and comes to IFG&S with several years of agricultural research experience.
  • IFCO Seedlings Genetic Investment Advisor
    • Donnie Fleming joined IFCO Seedlings in September as a Genetic Investment Advisor.  Donnie previously worked for ArborGen as their Gulf Coast Reforestation Advisor.  Donnie is skilled at guiding foresters and landowners in matching the correct species to the proper soil type, seedling stock type, and genetic selection. Donnie will be serving clients in the Gulf Coast region.